4th of July Blow out sale going on now!
>> Saturday, July 2, 2011
All my CU & PU items on sale for 75¢ through the entire month of July at all my stores!
So come grab some red hot deals now!
New Tutorial July 4th!
>> Monday, June 27, 2011
This awesome tag was made by Robin of Rockin' Robins Tuts using my new kit I Love My Country! She did a great job! I love it Robin, thank you! You can try out her tut HERE
CU Patriotic Bottle Caps Freebie!
It's been awhile since I have given out a CU freebie! Here it is! Enjoy! :)
Grab it HERE
New kit "I Love My Country" in stores now!
>> Wednesday, June 22, 2011
You can grab it in any of my stores!
New Beach Daze Tutorial!
Here is an awesome tutorial by Ditzy Dezigns using my new kit Beach Daze!
Thank you so much Ronney it's so awesome!
Try her tutorial HERE
2011 Starving Artist!!!
>> Thursday, May 5, 2011
You can grab my part at Your Scrap Addiction or Scrappin Dollars Check out the other artists and their parts at Starving Artist Blog All kits will be available 5/7 at midnight so be ready!!!
My kit preview!alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5603422736502949442" />
Spring Time Tut By Sweet Addictionz!
>> Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This is an awesome tag Tiffany! Thank you so much! You can try her tut out HERE
>> Wednesday, March 16, 2011
All my CU and PU items are on sale for 50 cents!
Scrappin Dollars
The Creativity Box
Your Scrap Addiction
Scraps From The Heart